This month at SWG the design team is working with Tinkering Ink! We think that tinkering ink is such a wonderful company and their products are just over the top…so in honor of Tinkering Ink (our December Sponsor) we have a contest that will challenge you and fill this season with some scrapbooking joy!
Starting on Dec. 12th and going through Dec. 23rd we will be issuing 1 challenge per day! Simply complete as many challenges as you can on the dates that they are issued and upload to the SWG gallery before midnight CST on that same day for it to be counted!
Daily challenges can range from making a certain amount of cards or tags to making Home décor (and of course everything in between). You will also be required to use Tinkering ink products on 4 of the 12 challenges…so head to the store and pick up your tinkering ink products if you are in need! As always, we offer great prices on all of our products!
The Scrapper that completes the most of the issued challenges (and uploaded the same day that they are issued by midnight CST to the SWG gallery) will be our grand prize winner! *if there is a tie between 2 or more scrappers then it will go to a vote that will be open to the SWG members. The scrapper with the most votes will then be the grand prize winner.
However, after the grand prize winner is announced… it doesn’t end there for each challenge that you complete your name will go into a random drawing. We will pull out a winner out during the Dec. Crop (Counting down the last Friday in the year to midnight!) which will be held on Friday Dec. 28th (the last Friday in 2007) from 6-midnight CST!
So what are you playing for:
Our Grand Prize winner this month will win: The entire line of Yuletide
For each challenge you complete your name will go in the the crop we will draw out 1 name and the winner will receive the beloved line (only paper)
So what are you waiting for…head on over to SWG and get ready to add a little extra joy to your holiday season!