Monday, August 16, 2010

. . . and they are off

My two oldest headed back to school today! I have to admit that I was looking forward to the school year starting. Not that I do not love my kids to pieces because I do - but I think I am a better mother when I have a little time to myself.

That being said it's now 11:30 and Gavin (my youngest) is at a playdate and my house is soooo quiet and I secretly have to admit that I miss them like crazy right now. But I will let that be our little secret - shhhh don't tell ;))

So bright and early this morning we headed out for some pictures. My kids are starting to not like the crazy Mom with the camera everywhere they go - but I keep reminding them that one day they will realize just how lucky they are to have a crazy mom that cares to document their life moments. This statement is usually then followed up with "and until then you're just going to have to deal with it!

Jackson is in 5th grade this year! It's so crazy knowing that this will be his last year before he starts middle school! Poor kid - never fails he comes down with allergies right as school is starting (note the red eyes). Jackson is a little "TC" (too cool) for the school picture scene so I snapped a few (okay like 50 or so) before school. Here's a couple SOOC (straight out of camera).

Ashlee is growing like a weed and starting first grade this year. This is her first year attending school all day long. I am pretty sure she is going to come home pretty tired today. I took so many photos of her today because she's not "TC" (as defined by Jackson too cool) yet - LOL. However, because these are my kids and I am a protective Mama I have decided not to post any of her photos at her school. But here's a few SOOC (straight out of camera) shots of her this morning.

This last one makes me giggle! I told Chad that I am going to start sharing more of our "real moments" here - and this was such a real moment this morning. Not always smiles but it's all good :)

So after dropping the kids off for their first day Gavin, Chad and I headed to McDonald's for breakfast! A little "celebration" of sorts if you will :) Gavin was sure happy to have alone time with Mom and Dad - what a treat! He even pulled it over on Chad convincing him to slurge $2 on this little McDonald's toy (insert eye roll here).

Well it looks like I am going to have to get moving so I can actually accomplish something today.

Have a great Monday everyone!


Quilter422 said...

fab! mine start on wednesday and i can't wait

Renee' Morris-Dezember said...

Great pictures Jennifer...but Ashlee doesn't look to thrilled about school lol Hope they have a great 1st day!

Sarah said...

love the pics! do they go to a year round school or something? why does it start so early? It doesn't start here until september 6th or something

Lesli said...

Great photos Jen - I miss taking the 1st day of school shots! Enjoy the time - it goes by so fast!